Sunday, June 03, 2007

From the edges

The Many Strong Voices alliance says 'societies of the Arctic and Small Island Developing States [in the tropics] are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change in similar ways.' It aims to bring the two regions together 'to take collaborative and strategic actions on climate change mitigation and adaptation.'

They met in Belize from 28 -30 May to agree a five year action plan, including a 'push for deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions through the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change' and a 'plan to inform and warn the world of the dramatic effects of climate change in their regions':
'Together, we have identified common problems as a consequence of climate change, and our communities are suffering,' said Taito Nakalevu, Climate Change Officer with the Pacific Regional Environment Programme, based in Samoa. 'We insist that those countries that are causing the problems have a responsibility to those whose lives are being affected.'


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