Friday, July 18, 2008


At Maribo (The fierce urgency of now), Simon Donner expresses disappointment at what he sees as a well intentioned but weak efforts at the ICRS to communicate the importance of conservation. There are some interesting comments in the thread (although mine may be 'over the top').

Sadé Council from Time writes to recommend a recent article, Coral Reefs Face Extinction, and photo gallery in that magazine.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008


News and reports from the International Coral Reef Symposium here. Highlights for 7 July included:
Presentation of a check [cheque] for US $1,100,000 (approx Euro 700,000, GBP 556,000) from the U.S. Federal government for coral reef research in the U.S.

Launch of The Status of Coral Reef Ecosystems of the United States Report

Forecasting Storm Mediated Changes in Reef Coral Assemblages (J. Madin, M. O’Donnell, S. Connolly)

Is 500 ppm Co2 and 2 C of Warming the 'Tipping Point' for Coral Reefs? If So, How Should We Respond? (O. Hoegh-Guldberg)
A blog here reports live from the symposium.