The campaign group Avaaz is promoting a petition ahead of the APEC meeting in Sydney, Australia in support of binding targets for greenhouse gas emissions reductions rather than voluntary aspirational goals. Avaaz say around 400,000 people have already signed. They ask more to do so
On 7 September Avaaz and an Australian group called GetUp are launching a 144-square metre floating canvas "target" at Bondi Beach where it will be taken out to sea by surfers.
[On 8 September] swimmers will float this banner over the Great Barrier Reef -- which current predictions suggest will be killed off by climate change before 2030. Thousands of people from every continent have joined in by uploading climate target pictures of their own.
Elsewhere, Jemery Leggett tells those who may not already know, and reminds those who do, that even some of the more progressive politicians in Australia and Canada support and are supported by the coal industry.]